FAQ for the public

01. Whether the approval of the local authority should be obtained before any construction is done?

  1. Yes
  2. Gampaha District has been declared as an Urban Development Area by the Extraordinary Gazette Notification No. 1983/31 of 09.09.2016 of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Therefore, all constructions carried out in Gampaha District should be approved in accordance with the regulations and directives of the Urban Development Authority.

02. How to get a building plan approved by the local authority?

Only buildings of the following size can be approved by the Local Authorities from 01.02.2017

2.1. Buildings less than 4 storeys (ground floor) and less than 4,000 square feet।

2.2. The building application form obtained by the local government authority should be duly filled and handed over with the following documents and planning documents.

  1. Three copies of the building plan prepared according to the directions of the Urban Development Authority.
  2. A copy of the plan approved by the Local Authority concerned for the land proposed to be constructed.
  3. Copy of the deed of the land.

By submitting the above documents without any defects the relevant building plan can be approved.

03. How to get a land plan approved by the local authority?

From 01.02.2017, only plots of land less than 40 perches can be approved by the local authorities.

3.1 Original and 02 photocopies of the plan drawn on the land by an authorized surveyor.

3.2 Copy of the plan used to prepare the plan.

3.3 Duly completed application with a copy of the deed to prove the ownership of the land.

04. What is an Environmental Protection License?

The Environmental Protection License is a legal tool implemented under the National Environmental Act in Sri Lanka for the regulation of emissions from wastewater, gaseous emissions, noise, vibration and solid waste which are issued by industries.

05. For what purpose should an Environmental Protection License be obtained?

It is a legal requirement to obtain an EPL for all processes specified in the regulations as set out in the regulations set out in the provisions of the National Environmental Act.

06. What are the goals and objectives of the Environmental Protection License?

Directing industrialists to maintain eco-friendly industries in an environmentally friendly manner while maintaining the level of emissions from the industry and thereby directing the country towards sustainable development.

07. What are prescribed activities?

The 138 industries / activities listed in Schedule (a), (b) and (c) of the Extraordinary Gazette Notification No. 1533/16 published on 25.01.2008 are referred to as prescribed activities.

08. From which organization does the Environmental Protection License be obtained?

Environmental Protection Licenses should be obtained from the Provincial Offices of the Central Environmental Authority for the purposes specified in List (a) and (b) of the Gazette Notification No. 1533/16. The Environmental Protection License for the activities listed in the (C) list should be obtained from the Local Authorities authorized to do so.

For registered industries under section 17 of the BOI Act, obtain the Environmental Protection License from the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka at 1768 West Tower, Colombo 01.

09. How to apply for an EPL?

Applications are issued by the CEA free of charge and also can be downloaded from the CEA website www.cea.lk .

In addition, applications can be obtained from the respective Local Authorities.

The completed application for the prescribed activity should be forwarded to the license issuing institution.

10. What are the other documents should be submit along with the application?

  • Business Registration Certificate. (If registered)
    Survey Plan of the land.
  • Trade License obtained from the relevant Pradeshiya Sabha. / A copy of the payment receipt / approved building plan / letter indicating that there are no objections to the pradeshiya sabha regarding the compliance certificate / road.
  • Documents on release of land if it is a state land.
  • Roadmap from the nearest major city to where the industry is located.

11. What are the requirements for issuing an EPL?

In accordance with the provisions of the National Environmental Act, compliance with prescribed standards and criteria for emission of waste specified by the Central Environmental Authority is essential for obtaining an EPL.

12. When will an application be rejected?

Applications with incorrect information, applications that are not properly completed and documents that are not submitted are rejected. Re-corrected applications will be accepted and processed.

13. What are the fees for field inspections?

Upon receipt of the full application, the field inspection fee will be charged by the respective Provincial Offices subject to the following minimum and maximum fees as below. (For activities decentralized to Local Authorities, charged by the relevant institution)

  • Minimum Rs. 3000 / –
  • Maximum Rs. 10000 / –
  • Examination fees may be revised for specific processes subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

14. Who performs the field test?

The field inspection shall be carried out by the field officers of the relevant institution and the field inspection shall be carried out within 14 days after the payment of the field inspection fee.

This time limit may change in some cases.

Officers have the right to enter the industry site for field inspection and the industry party has the right to inquire about their identity.

15. Who decides on the issuance of the Environmental Protection License?

After reviewing the observations and recommendations of the Field Officers’ Report, the Environmental Protection Licensing Officer will decide on it.

16. What determines the issuance of an EPL?

At the time of issuing the Environmental Protection License, pollutants emitted by the activity are eligible to receive an EPL only if they are issued in accordance with stated standards and criteria.

17. At what point refuse to issue an Environmental Protection License?

If the effluent is not discharged / disposed of in accordance with the standards and criteria set forth by the CEA for any specified activity, the issuance of the EPL will be refused. The entrepreneur is informed in writing by the authority.

18. What is the Environmental Protection License fee and the validity period?

1Section “A”Rs. 7500.00 plus government approved tax 01 year
2Section “B”Rs. 6000.00 plus government approved tax 02 years
3Section “C”Rs. 4000.00 plus government approved tax 03 years

Further information can be obtained from the Gazette Notification No. 1534/18 dated 01.02.2008.

19. When to pay the Environmental Protection License Fee?

Once the authority determines that it is appropriate to issue a security license, the terms of reference are prepared and referred for legal approval.

The entrepreneur will be asked to pay the Environmental Protection License fee only after the approval of the issuing authority.

20. What are the instances of applying for an Environmental Protection License?

  • A valid Environmental Protection License application must be renewed three (3) months before its expiration.
  • Any changes or renewals in the industry should be made to apply for an EPL renewal one month in advance.

A separate application has been prepared for the same, which can be obtained in the same manner as obtaining an EPL application.

21. Do It need to pay field inspection fees when renewing an EPL?

The field inspection process for renewal of the Environmental Protection License is free of charge.

But in the event of an application delay due to the delay of the industrialist, a new application will have to be re-applied and the field inspection fee will be charged.

22. What are the reasons for the suspension or revocation of the Environmental Protection License?

  • In the event of violation of any prescribed conditions or standards contained in the license.
  • In case of natural or other cause, the environment where the effluent has changed after issuing the license.
  • Where the continuous disposal, stagnate, emission of waste under the authority of the Licensee affects or affects the use of the environment in an effective manner.
  • When waste is imposed on the external environment or releases to the external environment or the atmosphere is adversely affected by the performance of the external environment.

Prior to the issuance of the license suspension and cancellation notice, the Central Environmental Authority is permitted to do so under Section 23A of the National Environmental Act, if the licensee can disclose the reason for such revocation.

23. What is the difference between suspending and revoking an Environmental Protection License?

Emissions from an industrial process may compromise the Environmental Protection License if it does not meet the recommended standards and criteria. Once it is renewed and verified by the licensee, the environmental protection license can be validated.

The Environmental Protection License can be revoked if the industry is in serious violation of the conditions of the EPL. A revocable license will not be re-validated and a new license must be re-applied when obtaining a license.

24. What are the legal provisions of the EPL?

It is an offense under the National Environmental Act to operate a prescribed activity without a valid Environmental Protection License or in violation of the terms of the license.

A person found guilty by law can be fined not less than Rs. 15,000 / – or imprisonment for not less than one year.

The Central Environmental Authority or its representative may ask the court to shut down an industry that is violating the provisions of the National Environmental Act.

25. පාරිසරික ආරක්ෂණ බලපත්‍ර ලාභියෙකුගේ වගකිම කුමක්ද?

  • The Licensing Agency should be constantly notified of any changes or enhancements made to the EPL.
  • Release of waste only in accordance with the standards and criteria set forth in the provisions of the National Environmental Act.
  • Must apply for renewal of the license within the stipulated time.
  • The licensing body must follow the instructions and conditions for pollution control.
  • Environmental pollution control conditions should be duly submitted to the licensing agency.
  • Representatives of the licensing agency should be permitted to enter the industry at any time.

26. What are the benefits of an Environmental Protection License holder?

  • Contribute to protect the environment by minimizing industrial pollution.
  • Ease of obtaining required bank loans for the industry without interruption to the EPL holder.
  • Minimizing complaints related to the industrial process and facilitating industrial activities.
  • Provide legal coverage.