Administration and Accounts
- Maintaining personal files of Pradeshiya Sabhas and Urban Council Secretaries.
- Maintenance of personal files of office officers.
- Matters relating to transfers of officers
- Approving all the institutional duties and posts of Pradeshiya Sabhas and Urban Councils.
- Public and Institutional Complaints of Pradeshiya Sabhas and Urban Councils
- Agrahara Insurance activities of office bearers
- Maintaining office accounts (cash book, spending ledger, bank reconciliation, general deposit account)
- Preparation of salaries of office bearers.
- Issue project checks.
- Advance B Account of the officers
Engineer Branch
All technical officers under the full supervision of the Engineer,
- Provincial Council Projects (Criteria Based / Provincial Development Other Fund / Provincial Specific / Provincial Development Grants)
- Local Government Funds
- Line Ministries projects
- Decentralized Projects Divisional Secretariat Programs
- Other special projects
Under the headings of aove 19 Local Authorities ie Road Ministry Funds / Sports Ministry Funds / Education Ministry Funds, the project is in the process of monitoring and assessing, approving, project site inspection, standards control, measurement, voucher recommendation and approval. , Payment activities are performed in terms of the circular of 25.05.2017.
These projects are categorized as roads, drains, culverts, small bridges, buildings, and civil works such as road development, gravel soils, asphalt, concrete, tapping, quarrying, road carpeting. Construction of drains is often done in concrete, and culverts and small bridges are made of hump pipes or concrete. Buildings, offices, community halls, libraries, preschools, playgrounds, crematoriums etc. are categorized under this. Other constructions may include domes, wells, ferries, sidewalks and fences.
In addition, Engineering Division will perform providing technical services such as technical evaluation reports, technical consultancy reports, technical inspection reports for public complaints, solid waste management authority, CEA, CEA, etc. , Progress monitoring and reporting functions, Province Institute programs to raise the level of performance bodies of supplies and services for the company advice on how to maintain a legal, direction and supervision of the implementation of the Performance.
- Collect information relevant to the Annual Report in terms of Section 317 (I) of the Municipal Ordinance / Section 198 of the Urban Council Ordinance and submit it with recommendations. Collecting information and submitting reports with observations and recommendations in terms of section 196 (I) (d) of the pradeshiya sabha act.
- Submission of office inspection reports according to the annual plan.
- Conducting urgent investigations of local authorities.
- Examine and monitor the petitions on Public Problems caused by the irregularities of the office bearers of the Local Authorities and follow up and monitoring reports.
- Submission of reports on investigations conducted by Human Rights Commission, Commissioner of Parliamentary Affairs (Ombudsman), Bribery and Corruption Commission and Public Petitions Committee of the Provincial Council.
- Making recommendations on establishment of posts in local government bodies.
- Providing guidance and recommendations relating to the by-laws relating to Local Authorities.
- Providing necessary advice and recommendation to Local Authorities on land acquisition and leasing by Local Authorities.
- Providing advice to the Local Authority on the withdrawal of fixed deposits, borrowing from the local loan fund and other financial matters and making recommendations to the Assistant Commissioner of Local Government.
- Examine and make recommendations before the publication of Annual Tax Impact Notices of Local Authorities in the Gazette.
- Submission of observations and recommendations for applications made by the Local Authorities to obtain approval from the Minister in charge of the subject of expenditure in terms of Section 188 of the Municipal Ordinance / Section 159 of the Urban Council Ordinance / Section 132 of the Pradeshiya Sabha Act.
- Conduct monthly inspection of the reports / decision books of the Local Authorities and make recommendations
- Making observations and recommendations to the FR 115 reporets, submitted from the Local Authorities.
- Providing necessary guidance and guidance to Local Authorities as per rules and regulations pertaining to Local Government.
- Advice and follow up on auditor report and audit query matters.
- Provide necessary advice in accordance with accepted accounting principles and principles for preparation of annual budget and closing account.
- Guidance on preparation of monthly accounts
- Participates and leads monthly audit and management committees of local authorities
- Guidance on obtaining good audit opinions for final accounts of local authorities.
- Advise and guide the recovery of statutory revenues of Local Authorities.
Representation of the Human Rights Commission, Commissioner of Parliamentary Affairs (Ombudsman), Bribery or Corruption Investigation Commission and the Public Petitions Committee of the Provincial Council on the orders of the Assistant Commissioner of Local Government.
Community Development
- Libraries
- Distribution of books received from the Department of Local Government to the Local Authorities of the district.
- Maintaining the Library of the Assistant Commissioner of Local Government.
- To recommend and approve suggestions for grading the library.
- To guide, direct, advise and coordinate the proper functioning of the library service.
- Updating library related information.
Provide guidance and direction to librarians to solve the problems regarding libraries.
- Ayurvedic Medicine
- Providing guidance, training and guidance to maintain Ayurvedic medical system in local government at optimum level.
- Organizing various programs to popularize the local Ayurvedic medical system.
- Preschools
- Promotion of teacher skills to provide formal education to children
- Development and standardization of basic facilities required in the pre-school system
- Health
- To guide the prevention of diseases that are necessary to maintain the health of the community.
- Conducting mosquito control programs especially for the prevention of dengue.
- Advice and guidance to facilitate vaccination of animals to prevent the spread of rabies.
- To educate the public on the prevention of infectious diseases and to advise and guide them in implementing various plans.
- Providing guidance, counseling and coordinating services to local authorities to ensure the physical and mental health of the community
- Directing Local Authorities on Diseases that emerge due to timely needs
- Take necessary measures to provide specialized health services
- Conducting clinical services for infants and mothers and providing counseling and awareness
- Literature
Conducting literary competitions and festivals to assess the talents of the children of the area and to enhance the taste of the reading community and to direct the local authorities for the purpose.
- Environment
- Provide necessary guidance and guidance to resolve the problems of local government bodies by monitoring the environmental problems which are difficult to resolve.
- To educate officers on environmental laws and provide advice and guidance to governing bodies.
- Waste Management
- Follow up, advise and guide on proper management of garbage generated at the local government level.
- Implementation of various project proposals and guidance and coordination of institutions.
- Provide suggestions, advice and guidance to obtain the required physical and human resources for waste management.
- Sports
- To educate and direct local authorities to conduct sports activities for the physical and mental wellbeing.
- Organizing annual sports festival with the involvement of local authorities in the district
- Promotion of Environmental Affairs
- Notifying the Local Authorities on the submissions made by the Ministries of Local Government and Provincial Councils and Ministry of Environment and obtaining necessary advice from such institutions.
- Training activities
- Organizing training programs and coordinating training programs for officers and staff of Local Authorities.
Public Complaints Division
Provide necessary recommendations to resolve the issues by registering the complaints received in writing and submitting them to the relevant divisions in order to address the issues raised by the public by phone and telephone. Provide to agencies and follow up to see if the recommendations given are working Drugs will be on public complaints unit.