FAQ for the Local Authorities
01. What documents should be submitted to the Assistant Commissioner of Local Government for the inclusion of a new post to the approved staff for Local Authorities?
In accordance with the recommendations of the relevant staff requirements,
- Formally completed (06 copies of provincial financial rules specimen form)
- 06 copies of justification report
- 06 copies of Annexure-01 form
- 06 copies of the Council Decree (Council Conventions)
02. What documents should be submitted to the Assistant Commissioner of Local Government for obtaining approval from the Minister in charge of expenditure from the Local Authorities Fund?
- Section 188 (d) of the Municipal Council Ordinance, section 159 (d), (e), (g) of the Municipal Council Ordinance and 132 (d), (h), (i), (k) of the Municipal Council Ordinance. Specimen Subject to the Sub-Article to be obtained from the Minister for prior written approval for expenditure from the Council Fund
- 03 copies of the following report on performance of the subject:
- Details of expected revenue for the current year and revenue collected under the said criteria
- Arrears of income from previous years and added revenue
- Whether the financial strength to be allocated to the proposed program as per i and ii above is satisfied.
- Three legally certified copies of the extract from the relevant Council Convention.
03. What documents should be submitted to the Assistant Commissioner of Local Government when appointing a road by the Local Authorities, the Commissioner of Local Government shall direct the approval of the Minister in charge of the subject in terms of Section 55 (a) of the Ordinance and Monument of Streets Act No 4 of 1975?
- • 03 copies of the street naming application
- • Three certified copies of objection calling
- • Three certified copies of the Extract of the Report of the Council including the decision of the Council
04. What are the documents should be submitted to the Assistant Commissioner of Local Government for obtaining the approval of the Minister in charge of the subject of Local Government in terms of Section 24 (1) of the Pradeshiya Sabha Act before being published in the Road Gazette maintained by the Pradeshiya Sabhas?
- Three certified copies of the report of the council that took the decision
- Three certified copies of the Road List
- Three certified copies of the notice calling for objections to be made public
- Report of the ongoing investigation if there are any written objections – 03 copies
05. How should the regular / compulsory composition of an Audit Committee referred to in the Internal Audit Guide for Local Authorities be issued in accordance with Department Circular LGD / 01/2017?
Designation of the Audit committee | Designation/Permanent post | |
Municipal Councils | Municipalities and local councils | |
President | Municipal Commissioner | Chairman |
Member | Chief Accountant | Secretary |
Member | Head of Accountant / Accounts Section Head | Head of Accounts Division |
Coordinator | Internal Auditor | Internal Auditor |
Supervisor | Auditor General’s Review and Investigation Officer | Auditor General’s Review and Investigation Officer |
06. How should reports be submitted in accordance with the Internal Audit Guide for Local Authorities?
- Submission of reports other than confidential reports prepared by the Internal Auditor in relation to the inspections given in Schedule 2 to the Commissioner / Secretary seven days before the monthly meeting.
- Submission the copies of the report to the District Commissioner of Local Government and Audit Authority.
- Submission of confidential reports issued by Internal Auditors to the Disciplinary Authorities for alleged misconduct in the first and second Schedule of Chapter XLVII of the Establishments Code when conducting an internal audit.
07. What are the documents should be submitted to the Local Government Commissioner for acquisition of land for local purposes
- Local Government Commissioner 2 Form – Land Application 8 copies
- 08 certified copies of the Council Resolution
- Certified plan prepared by an authorized surveyor showing the proposed land to be acquired- according to the number of land owners 1 copy for each and 05 additional copies
- 08 copies of local reports containing the land owners’ addresses and boundaries
- Initial assessment report obtained from the Chief Valuer in respect of the proposed land to be acquired – 03 copies
- 08 certified copies of the receipt of cash deposited to the Divisional Secretary at the initial valuation value of the land
- 08 Certified copies of the Deposit Receipt for the Survey and Advisory fees required for land acquisition.
- 08 copies of the application form and details of the E.A. 03.
- If Land Acquisition is done under subsection 38 (a) of the Schedule – 08 copies of form 02 and if the ownership of the proposed land is requested to be acquired under an amended clause 38 (a) of the Land Acquisition Act. A separate council motion must be passed under the 38 (a) by-law of the Acquisition Act.
- If the proposed land is to be acquired for a cemetery, the Health Medical Officer’s Report and if it is for a building, road or any other common purpose, 08 certified copies of the recommendation of the Road Development Authority
08. What are the documents to be submitted to the Commissioner of Local Government for the approval of the Public Expenditure Control Committee for the purchase of Local Authorities vehicles?
- 6 certified copies of the letter of request
- Certified copy of the letter of requirement
- 6 certified copies of the application of the Public Revenue Committee
- NBF Form – 06 certified copies
- Six certified copies of the extract of the relevant Council Convention
- Certified copy of the accounting report
- Six certified copies of the current financial position of the House
- 06 Certified copies of the quotation letter
- 06 Certified copies of the description of the vehicles available in the Sabha
09. What should be considered when contracting for lease or rent agreements with respect to local government property, as per circular No. LGD / 08/2016?
- local government property, as per circular No. LGD / 08/2016?
- Preparing documents to prove the ownership of the property subject to the agreement in a satisfactory manner.
- Physical identification of the property belonging to the Local Authorities by a surveyor, setting boundaries and preparing the relevant plans.
- Fulfilling significant requirements prior to contracting.
- Selecting the most advantageous parties through procurement for contracting.
- Drafting of all agreements and ratification by the Council.
- Action to secure a guarantee for the security of the agreement.
- Determine the duration and duration of the agreement.
- Termination of Agreement or Extending the Term of the Agreement.
NB;- Long Term Lease Money Form for obtaining the prior approval of the Minister in charge of the form 09
10. What does mean by Transfer of State Lands to Local Authorities?
This means delegating the assets and lands required for the services to be maintained by each of the Local Authorities.
11. What information should be included in a register of lands handed over to the Local Authorities by the Divisional Secretary?
- Name of the Local Authority
- Land map details
- Quantity
- The assignment of the land
- Number and date of transfer order
12. What are the steps to be taken when delegating of a public land to a local authority?
- Preparing a list of lands to be acquired and passing a motion by the council that the land should be acquired by the transfer orders
- Request the Divisional Secretary to transfer the land along with the list and the proposal.
- If there is a need for anonymity for the land, the reasons for the recommendation and recommendation should be given that the land is capable of being used for the purpose in the near future.
- If the land is located in the Urban Development Authority area, obtain the consent of the institution or obtain the consent of the Municipal Council Director.
- Submitting the land tracing report and the report to the Provincial Land Commissioner in accordance with paragraph 13 of the land for approval to transfer the land.
- Check the relevant documents with their recommendation and submit to the Land Commissioner General for further action.
- After getting the approval of the Minister of Lands, inform the Divisional Secretary.
- When surveying the land using boundary stones, send a survey order if possible.
- Handing over the possession of the land to the local authority immediately after approval.
- Request for Issue of Transfer Order Line Diagram by Form AA-118.
- On receipt of the transfer order line, prepare the transfer order and send it to the Divisional Secretary.
- Signing both copies of the transfer order and sending a certified photocopy to the Provincial Land Commissioner.
- Responsible for promptly filing and securing the transfer order with a line drawing.
- Maintaining a document of transfer of land to the local authorities and making notes on it. Keeping copies of the transfer orders in a file named Local Authority.
13. What are the documents to be submitted when recommending to the Assistant Commissioner of Local Government for the transfer of lands to the Local Authorities?
- Application form of the relevant Local Authority
- Trailers prepared by Government Surveyors or Kachcheri Surveyors
- Agreement of the Authority if the relevant land is situated in UDA area
- Not otherwise agreement by the Town and Countryside Authority
- If the land is transferred to a cemetery, recommendation from the Divisional Health Medical Officer in that regard (Report on suitability)
- If the proposed land to be transferred belongs to another government agency, steps to obtain the consent of the relevant institution to release it
- Report of Chapter 13 of page 266 of the Land Task Force
- (Recommendations to be sent to the Land Commissioner through the Provincial Land Commissioner and Ministry of Local Government in accordance with the circular No. 98/8 dated 09.02.1999)